Jasmin’s Prophetic Revelation via a dream:
Man’s life (yours, mines-ours) is like receiving free tickets to spectacular events in which we have access to certain amenities; some more elaborate and elegant than others depending on what event you end up at. We all have a desire or hope that one day our ship will come in (everything is all gravy), but in truth the Ship has come, gone and is soon coming back again. Do you have your ticket ready?
In my prophetic dream, I was given two free tickets to go on two boats; one was full of fun and excitement but on the other, the larger vessel of the two was vessels, I was afforded so much more. Three times more than what I was accessing on first boat-more in amenities, a variety of travel destinations and on this vessel were people of more influence. The ticket for larger vessel specified its departure time 8:00 am sharp. In the dream, I prepared myself in advance to be there well in advance of the departure time. However, leaving the smaller vessel was complicated by unforeseen obstacles. A romantic involvement, a line of other people going to enjoy activities within the vessel that impeded moving freely throughout the vessel and there was no clear exit off the smaller vessel. I along with several others looking to leave the vessel for any number of reasons we needed to locate a steward, someone to guide to path to exit the vessel. Once the steward was located we had to go through a maze of paths to get the exit. For me my anxiety mounted because I knew I had to be on the larger vessel well before the 8’a.m. departure time. Even after exiting the smaller vessel I encountered a barrier and bridge both of which would farther delay me arriving on time. I felt determined and optimistic, seeing the larger vessel clearly beyond the barrier and bridge; I pressed to make it on time. Did I? (To be continued) at this point I woke up.
Here’s what is impressed in my spirit to share with you. We each are afforded a life to live and many of us live it content in the place among the people where we are currently (at this point and time). Most will not ever attempt to search for more because life for them is fine and they are cool right where they are. Others will seek to move out, do more, and be more because they realize life has more to offer. While few others will have total understanding that they have been given a lifetime opportunity with bountiful blessings, and limitless abundance but they must get to that place (destination) for it is a divine appointment. Though the pathway to abundant living is impeded-the destination is clearly before them however, they need a steward one to help them access it and to navigate the doors, twists and turns to the final destination.
Many of us are enjoying the ship we chose to sail on, be that relationships, a job, a business or any familiar situation-there is a level security and comfort there. Leaving and moving beyond that vessel is terrifying and entertaining the mere idea of doing so is not approached or approachable for them. Some others identify the vessel they are currently on as a pit stop, it is a stepping stone and their intent is to move on eventually. Therefore, when the opportunity presents itself they do and they will know the opportunity (IT) when it comes along. They don’t have a clear view of the particulars but they rather wait for the impression; a feeling of the time to move on. When they are impressed by that feeling, they move on. The few others are guided by understanding that all things are propelling them to a point and time where they will connect with their destiny. They know they are a divine assignment and they know there are going to be delays, distractions and derailments but nonetheless they are staying the course to reach their fullest potential. However, their pressing on and staying on course without the steward is futile and leads to a whole lot of empty as well as illegal movement. There must be a steward to guide and led.
We all have differences and similarities in the business of life and living it. Similarly, there is not one person that doesn’t want to be happy, feel their live has meaning and tap into abundance. We differ in our perception and action on how to access abundance. We differ in what we understand abundance to be exactly. Abundance is not simply money or having a truck load of material possessions. Abundance the type of abundance that Jesus came that we might have is more than material wealth and possessions. Kingdom abundance is having full consciousness of treasure within and the treasure you are because you ARE. It is the confidence in the Creator not the creation because you know who He IS—you know that you and He are one. You know there is no problem, sickness, disease, death, breath, nor height that can separate you from Him and His love. The abundant life that Jesus came to give us that we might have is not a figment of the imagination but a TRUTH that only few us tap into though all of us wish for it. The false perception of abundant life is portrayed in the media (all types of media) through vain imaginations and propaganda. This false perception excites the senses and intellect of man but knows nothing of abundance truth because access has been denied to the deceiver the god of this world forever. He cannot ever get what God has promised us and his job is to prevent us from obtaining by deception. He is not original in anything he does-remember he résumé states his previous profession was chief messenger of music.
Music though auditory incites us in a visual way. Play any romantic ballad and you will get my meaning, but that’s a different lesson. For this purpose, let’s understand our adversary continues to manipulate our senses and if we never rise beyond the realm of senses we are vulnerable to his devices mainly deception. While he is the god of this world, he is limited and his authorization is null and void when we resume our place as stewards in the earth and take dominion back by confessing Christ a Lord of our life. Christ is the owner of the vessel and the Holy Ghost is the steward. When we partake of a consistent diet of the Word of God our spirit man, choosing to obey and worship, we are able to discern spiritually and walk in purposeful authority. For everything we need pertaining to Godliness is inside of us. We must breakout beyond the barrier of fleshly natures that only temporal and sensual to that larger vessel where abundant living is waiting for you to journey.
Jehovah Shamma