Yesterday, a sister commented on Facebook (in a group called "Executive Life Coach" facilitated by Dr. Cindy Trimm) on a note I wrote back in March 2012 for the group. As I re-read the words I had written nearly a year ago, the message transformed and encouraged my spirit, and my mind. There are times when I forget that the mission is not mine I am simply a steward and I don't own the plan nor I am responsible for its' path. The things that I must do and be available for are as follows: 1. Ask, 2, Knock, 3. Find and 4. Be prepare to receive.
I ask (not as often as I should) God what I must to today. I then Knock (seek). Knocking or seeking is simply an indication of my faith to get up and get to the task. Find, God will never conceal from us the things we ask or seek out from Him, therefore if we ask and knock...we will find. Understand finding/seeking comes with the very first step ask...asking the right questions to begin with is at time more important than the answers itself. Leaders are lifetime learners. However, to be a true leader you must first become a student and when a student is properly prepared the Master shows up. Who is you Master?
"Sometimes questions are more important than answers." This Nancy Willard quotes truly gave me reason to pause and think. I have always been inquisitve. Yes, I question in order to expand my understanding and knowledge base but I also question to gain wisdom. We are living in a time that is full of deceit and wickedness; we must inquiry of the things placed before us--for things are not always as they appear.
Question: Where is your focus?
I am focused on those things that are spiritual. I don't want to waste another millisecond on things outside myself. I want to hear so I can be led by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Question: Has the path to destiny been like an obstacle course?
If you are like me, you've noticed it doesn't matter what level of education, skill set or connections you have; your divine destiny is leading you on a very sure path. I have noted if I choose to go left, I must go right. When I wanted to go forth at times I would pulled back or if I thought it needful to go up and I'd be forced down.
Question: Is your leadership/authority/command being tried?
I tell you if weren't for people, I'd be okay. Even those closest to us become a mystery. If you feel like you are pulling your hair out by the roots because you don't what more you can say or do--you aren't alone. I tell you, the Father and heavenly hosts know exactly what this feels like. Yet, in order to be effective in leading with authority you must be will to go there. You have to command the space in which you apparently can't give one more inch and than suddenly you find yourself squeezing that very same inch out. How can we know birthing without pain? There are host of sisters and brothers waiting for us to be stretched and squeezed, writhing in agony for their deliverance and breakthrough...and guess what they don't even know it or you. Moreover, they don't want it because they love the darkness. They have become comfortable with the fellowship of the night. But as Children and Heirs we have to bring the light. We have to solve the mystery. In order to lead you have to be led.
Today's Scripture Reading